buildingSMART Professional Certification Training Provider - 2023

Otorgado a butic The New School - bS Spain - Foundation
Emitido 19 de julio de 2023, 11:12
Caducado 31 de diciembre de 2023, 00:00
Emitido por buildingSMART International
Curso: For Chapters and Providers

This badge confirms that the above-named entity is a registered Training Provider of the buildingSMART Professional Certification program. The badge is awarded upon the fulfilment of the following requirements: - Suitability, experience and capacity to deliver the specified level of training - Technical expertise of the training personnel - Provision of appropriate training infrastructure - Adherence to the Learning Outcome Framework, Body of Knowledge and all program Policy and Process requirements As such, the named training provider is entitled to offer the specified training under the buildingSMART Professional Certification brand with all associated rights and privileges.


  • La siguiente actividad debe ser finalizada:
    • "Encuesta - Badge Consent Form 2023"
1.0 / 2023
Nombre del autor de la imagen
buildingSMART International
Email del autor de la imagen
URL del autor de la imagen